Campus Closed Jan. 7 due to Weather

Due to the inclement weather, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, and all classes and office operations will be virtual. All campus activities are canceled. We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates as needed. For any further information, please visit the university website.

Continuing Education Programs

Non-Degree Program

You have navigated your way to this page, which makes us think you may want to take some classes at Bowie State University (BSU) as a non-degree student.  We define a non-degree student as someone who for personal or professional reasons would like to take a college course without attempting to earn a degree at BSU.

You have found the correct location to assist you in meeting your objective.  BSU does allow non-degree students to enroll in courses.  We have established a process for you to follow that will enroll. 

Download the Non-Degree Application Form

Steps for Non-Degree Registration (Continuing Education)

  1. To begin there is a process in place for them to take courses without entering into a degree program.
  2. Start by looking up the courses offered during the semester in which you wish to enroll. Navigate on the web to Bulldog Connection. On the right of the page will be the schedules for the current and next semester. The schedule for tuition and fees as well as general registration information is available.
  3. After identifying the courses they would like to take, complete the application/registration process:
    a. Download the Non-Degree Application form. Complete the application and include the courses to be taken on the application form. The application has to be filled out completely, particularly the section on residency. If you do not complete the residency section of the application, you will be considered and charged out of state tuition.
    b. Fax the application form to 301-860-4081 or bring it to campus and deliver to room 1128 in the Thurgood Marshall Library.
    c. Pay the application fee of $17. You may visit the cashier in the Henry Administration Building, or contact the cashier by phone 301-860-3495.
  4. You will receive a BSU username and password to access the student information system (PeopleSoft). The Office of Continuing Education will transmit this information after registration has been completed. 
  5. The Office of Continuing Education may be contacted directly at any point in this process for clarification and assistance. Please call 301-860-3991 or send an email to
  6. Once you are registered, you must contact the Office of Student Accounts to make payment arrangements before the semester is to begin. For more information about the Office of Student Accounts
  7. Once your tuition and fees have been paid, print out a copy of your account from PeopleSoft and have a Bulldog Card made at the Bowie Card office in the new Student Center. The BulldogCard provide you with access to the Thurgood Marshall Library and many of the activities on 
  8. Books can be purchased in the campus bookstore located in new Student Center. The bookstore is online at in case you cannot make it to campus.


The Portfolio Program

Nontraditional, undergraduate students who have formally applied to Bowie State University, have been accepted, and have paid the application and acceptance fees may apply for credit for experiential learning through the Portfolio Program.  A portfolio, which documents and describes adult learning experiences, may be done independently or by participating in a Portfolio Development Seminar.  The student prepares a Portfolio consistent with the guidelines in the Student Guidelines:  Portfolio Development.  The Portfolio Coordinator will assist students in analyzing, evaluating, and identifying those features of their experiential repertoire that may be converted into academic credit.  Experiential learning may result from work experience, volunteer experience, travel, hobbies, noncredit workshops and seminars, independent reading, licenses, special certificates, and/or military experiences.  Credit recommendations are based on the evaluation of the Portfolio by faculty.  A student may be granted a maximum of 30 undergraduate credit hours through the Portfolio Program.  No Grades are given for courses awarded through the program.

Criteria for Experiential Learning

  • Learning should be verifiable. You must be able to document and in some cases demonstrate competencies.
  • Learning should be comparable to college level work.
  • Learning should have a subject matter or knowledge base.
  • Learning experiences should be applicable outside the specific job or context in which it was learned. 

Steps for Preparation and Assessment of a Portfolio 

  1. Schedule an appointment with an adviser in the academic area in which you are seeking a degree to request assistance in identifying specific courses and credits that may be earned through the Portfolio Program.
  2. Schedule an appointment with the Portfolio Coordinator and register for the Program.  The Coordinator will explain the Portfolio Process and provide you with a copy of student Guidelines: Portfolio Development.
  3. Prepare the portfolio.  Consult with your academic department while developing your Portfolio.
  4. Submit your Portfolio to the Office of Continuing Education and External Programs for appropriate assessment.  Faculty will make the determination on the awarding of credit.

You will be notified of credits awarded and fees/tuition assessed.  Fees/tuition may be paid at the Office of Student Accounts.  A copy of your receipt should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

 Portfolio Fees

  • Portfolio Registration Fee $55.00
  • Portfolio Assessment Fee, if credit is awarded $55.00
  • Cost per credit hour shall be at the current undergraduate tuition rate.


BSU/PGCPS Dual Enrollment Program

Bowie State University is pleased to have been able to work with Prince George’s County Public Schools to offer their junior and senior high school students the opportunity to enroll in college courses. The courses taken will fall into three categories.

• Category I: Courses which will satisfy high school graduation requirements. Classes in this category have been reviewed and accepted by PGCPS to satisfy high school graduation requirements.

• Category II: Courses which can serve as high school electives. These courses can serve to satisfy elective high school requirements. They cannot be used to satisfy core requirements. They will be listed on the high school transcript as electives.

• Category III: Courses in this category will serve assist the student in meeting high school requirements and will not e placed on the high school transcript. These will serve solely as completed college courses. They may serve as transfer credits in future college pursuits.

The Steps to enter the program are:

1.Learn more about the specifics of the program by reading the BSU/PGCPS Dual Enrollment Handbook.

2. Meet with your School Counselor to discuss taking courses in the Dual Enrollment program. The two of you will want to discuss the courses offered and their impact on your high school career. Will the courses help you with graduation or will they serve you as you go on to college as transfer courses?

3. Contact the Continuing Education Office at Bowie State University to discuss the courses being offered in the upcoming semester or session. Learn more about the courses and the available sections. Include the information on the desired classes on the BSU/PGCPS Dual Enrollment Application.

4. Have the application approved by your Counselor and the Principal at your school.

5. Send the application to the Continuing Education Office at Bowie State University. Include a copy of your transcript and scores from either the SAT, ACT or Accuplacer. These scores are crucial for placement into specific courses. You will need to schedule an appointment with the Director of Continuing Education to complete the admissions and registration process.

6. Attend the BSU/PGCPS Dual Enrollment Orientation Session prior to the beginning of the semester for more information on attending the university.

7. Students who are not a part of the Free and Reduced Meals Program will need to pay the fees associated with their registration once the registration process has been completed.

We hope you will consider the BSU/PGCPS Dual Enrollment Program.  Please contact the Office of Continuing Education at (301) 860-3991 or by email at: if you have any questions or need any assistance.