Quinncia Resume & Interview Prep

Quinncia is a futuristic career preparation platform helping university students.

  • Get instant feedback on your resume
  • Make your resume Applicant Tracking System compliant
  • Improve your interviewing and storytelling skills

Job Prep Tools

If your resume is not formatted correctly or filled with impactful skills and competencies, you may be removed from the application process before you ever get to the hiring manager.

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How Quinncia Can Help You

Resume Checking

About 90% of companies use an application tracking system (ATS) to review applications. ATS are set up to reject applicants’ resumes for including graphics, photos, incorrect margins, columns, grammatical errors, and more. While you may be a great candidate for an open job or internship, if your resume does not pass the ATS, it will never be seen by a human reviewer. When the average corporate job opening receives roughly 250 applications, you have to ensure your resume is ready to be read by an ATS.

If your resume does not pass the ATS, it will never be seen by a human reviewer.

What’s Essential to Your Resume?

There are a few requirements for resumes to parse through Applicant Tracking Systems. It should always be created in a Word document or a Google Doc, then exported as a PDF. You should include your contact information, education, and your experiences where you highlight your skills and achievements.

Avoid using graphics or images, these can cause you to be immediately rejected. Also, stick to a simple straightforward format for your resume. A single column with clear titles and impactful content.

AI Interviewing

Quinncia’s interviewing feature offers tailored mock interviews and individualized feedback using artificial intelligence that helps you practice telling your story based on experiences on your resume. During an interview, your communication style, which is strongly influenced by your personality, becomes clear to your interviewer.

Quinncia’s interviewing feature helps you practice telling your story.

During an interview, your communication style, which is strongly influenced by your personality, becomes clear to your interviewer.


Contact the Career Development Center: careerdevelopment@bowiestate.edu