Campus Closed Jan. 7 due to Weather

Due to the inclement weather, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, and all classes and office operations will be virtual. All campus activities are canceled. We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates as needed. For any further information, please visit the university website.

Alexis Stokes

BOLD Mentorship

Alexis Stokes

Hometown: Arlington, VA
Major: Early Childhood Education
Classification: Junior

What are some BOLD moves you've made on campus?
Doing things that make me uncomfortable is what makes me bold. I don’t like talking in front of people. But I wanted to build up my confidence in areas that I’m not comfortable with, so I did the Black & Gold Scholarship Pageant for the ETA ZETA Phunk chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. I had to dance in front of people! And now I’m Miss Gold for Alpha Phi Alpha.

Are you involved in any campus organizations?
I started an organization called NOYSE – Nurturing Our Youth to Seek Excellence, which is operated under the Entrepreneurship Academy. We mentor foster children. I’m also part of the Presidential Circle, which includes all of the female leaders of organizations on campus.

What are you passionate about?
I’m really passionate about kids and that’s why I started NOYSE. With help from Social Services in Prince George’s County, we’re able to identify kids to participate. We bring them to campus and do fun things like cook-outs and ice breakers. We watch movies. They have journals with prompts so they can learn how to express their feelings.

What do you look forward to doing after you graduate?
I want to teach preschoolers or kindergarteners and get them while they’re young. Also, right now I’m in a clinic at the University of Baltimore Law School. They’re helping me take the steps to become a nonprofit. Eventually I hope to have NOYSE chapters on college campuses all over the area.