State Property Damage or Loss
Check this link to see what the State of Maryland will and will not insure. All claims must be filed with the State within 60 days of the incident.
Procedures For Non-State Owned Personal Property Claims
You should be in direct contact with an agent from the Maryland State Treasurer’s Office. You will need to fill out the Notice of claim form. Follow the directions and send directly to the Maryland State Treasurer's Office. Please forward a copy to the BSU Insurance office.
Procedures For State Owned Property Claims
- Request an incident report through Campus Safety or provide a brief written statement of the incident (and include witness statements whenever possible). Take pictures.
- Inform the Insurance office as soon as possible (even if you reported to Campus Safety) so that we can set up a proper claim with the State Treasurer’s Office. The BSU Insurance office will need some type of report or statement, pictures, and quotes (if readily available) to initiate a claim.
- Your department will need to pay for the replacement or repair costs up front for whatever damage was incurred. Do not wait. *Note- State insurance does not pay up front expenses.
- Once repairs and/or replacements are complete, pay via purchase order or University issued purchasing card.
- Obtain proof of payment and forward only invoices that are marked as ‘paid’ or ‘final’ (or your credit card statement if using P-card) to the Insurance office.
Minimum amount for property damage claims where BSU is at fault:
The minimum for filing a claim is set at $2,000. Note that all insurance claims through the State of Maryland have a $1,000 deductible. Any amount less than $2,000, the department should pay from its funds. If this is a MAJOR obstacle, please contact the Insurance office.
Minimum amount for property damage claims where BSU is NOT fault:
These are considered subrogation claims. The minimum amount for filing subrogation claims is set at $250.00. Any amount less than $250, the department should pay.
**BSU here refers to negligence or accident by authorized employees only, not students.
Process For Claims Reimbursement
- Whenever there is notable property damage, the responsible campus department must pay for those damages up front from departmental funds. *Note- For non-auxiliary departmental structural damages, Facilities Management will likely cover the initial repair/recovery expenses.
- Our office will send a claim to the Insurance Division of the Maryland State Treasurer’s Office Claims (STO) for a claim to be set up.
- To close out our portion of the claim, we must provide proof of payment. This means the invoice must be paid out first. The proof (usually via R*stars) is forwarded to the STO from Accounts Payable.
- Upon receipt of proof of payment, the STO will then reimburse the University via the Accounting office located in the Office of the Controller.
- Once the reimbursement payment reaches our Accounting office, the funds are credited back to the appropriate department (minus the $1,000 deductible).